Earn rewards
Wrap SGB tokens and delegate them to start earning rewards.
Example text
To get started, install the MetaMask wallet in your browser!

Your wallet
MetaMask wallet: not connected
Pending rewards:
Delegated to FTSO.it
Current epoch:
Latest block:
Let's start by connecting your wallet
Connect to this app with MetaMask wallet where your SGB tokens are stored (please make sure that you've already configured MetaMask to connect to Songbird network and to recognise WSGB utility tokens).
Connected to wallet: /
Wrap/Unwrap on your wallet
In order to delegate your Songbird tokens (SGB) and start receiving rewards in SGB, you have to wrap them first to the wrapped Songbird token (utility token WSGB).
* We advise you to not wrap the whole balance, since you will need some SGBs to send transactions.
Delegate to FTSO.it
You can delegate all WSGB in a wallet to one (or more, to see here) data signal provider (also known as FTSO). Please note that the delegation is a setting of the wallet, your tokens will not be locked.
Make sure you delegate them before Thursday at 14:00 UTC.
Rewards will accrue every three minutes after the following Saturday 08:41 UTC and can be claimed one week later.
Rewards will have to be claimed within 90 days or they are put back in the Rewards pool.
Make sure you select a reliable and accurate FTSO (e.g. see flaremetrics.io), with great performance, high uptime and affordable fees.
Delegated to FTSO.IT:
Delegated to other FTSOs:
Claim rewards
Rewards (in SGB) for the current week can be claimed after the following Saturday 08:41 UTC and will have to be claimed within 90 days or they are put back in the Rewards Pool.
Rewards when collected, can be wrapped again or sold on any of the exchanges.
Available to claim: