Delegate SGB

Step 1.

Wrap SGB -> WSGB

  • Visit WNat contract (0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED) on Songbird Explorer, tab "Write Contract" -> link to View Contract

  • All methods that are writing on a blockhain need you to confirm the method call, by signing a transaction with your MetaMask wallet. If not already connected, click on a button "Connect MetaMask" and select the wallet that you want to connect to.

  • Call method "7. deposit", and enter preferred amount of SGBs as "value" you want to wrap into WSGBs. You enter 1 to wrap 1 SGB into 1 WSGB. You don't want to wrap all SGBs into WSGBs since you need a small amount of SGBs (i.e. gas) to conduct each on-chain operation. Make sure you leave a few SGBs for later transactions (including unwrapping). To complete the call, confirm it within MetaMask and that's it.

Check your WSGB balance

  1. Visit WNat contract (0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED) on Songbird Explorer, tab "Read Contract" -> link to Read Contract

  2. Call method "2. balanceOf", and enter your (public) wallet address, the one you should have WSGBs on. Read calls are free and you don't need SGBs for calling them, so you do not need MetaMask to confirm this call. You will get a response, similar to the following:

     [ balanceOf method Response ]
         (uint256) : 1 000 000 000 000 000 000

    Please note that one WSGB are written with 18 zeroes, e.g. 1 000 000 000 000 000 000.

Step 2.

Delegate to a FSTO data provider

  • Visit WNat contract (0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED) on Songbird Explorer, tab "Write Contract" -> link to Write Contract

  • All methods that are writing to a blockhain require a confirmation of the call, by signing a transaction in a wallet (e.g. the MetaMask wallet). If not already connected, click on the button "Connect MetaMask" and select wallet that you want to connect to.

  • Call method "5. delegate", and use a FTSO data provider's address and a relative amount of WSGBs you want to delegate. For the list of SGB FTSO data providers please see e.g.

    You can use e.g. ACE.Trade's address (0x651ccEBfA2C5aa1e6d9C6180d91079F120314080) for parameter "_to" and enter 10000 for "_bips" (which is equivalent of 100%).

    Confirm with MetaMask and that's it.

Check who is your delegator

  • Visit WNat contract (0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED) on Songbird Explorer, tab "Read Contract" -> link to Read Contract

  • Call method "7. delegatesOf", and enter your (public) wallet address, the one you delegated from. Read calls are free and you don't need SGBs to execute them, so you do not need MetaMask to confirm this call. You will get a response, similar to the following:

      [ delegatesOf method Response ]
          _delegateAddresses (address[]) : [0x651ccebfa2c5aa1e6d9c6180d91079f120314080]
          _bips (uint256[]) : [(10000)]
          _count (uint256) : 1
          _delegationMode (uint256) : 1

    Please note that _delegateAddresses should be of the FTSO data provider you have selected.

Step 3. (optional) Show WSGBs in MetaMask

  • Go to MetaMask, tab "Assets" and click on a button "Import Token".
  • Enter "0x02f0826ef6aD107Cfc861152B32B52fD11BaB9ED" for a Token Contract Address, WSGB as a Token Symbol and 18 as a Token Decimal.
  • Click Next and finish the configuration of MetaMask.

